RRB NTPC CBT 2 Guwahati Board Result
1. Based on the performance in the 2nd stage Computer Based Test (CBT-II) conducted on 11-08-2022 for the Level-5, candidates bearing the Roll Numbers listed herein under have been provisionally shortlisted for Appearing in theComputer Based Typing Skill Test (CBTST). Roll Number of the provisionally qualified candidates for CBTST are arranged horizontally in ascending order from left to right and not in order of merit.
2. As the Computer Based Typing Skill Test (CBTST) is common for the posts of in pay levels 5 & 2, to ensure uniqueness of the candidates shortlisted in pay level 5, their Roll Numbers will not be repeated in the list of shortlisted candidates of pay level 2, even if they are eligible to be shortlisted in pay level 2. The Levels for which the candidates are shortlisted, can be seen in their score card. Hence, Candidates are advised to check the Levels (Level 5 and/or Level 2) for which they are shortlisted in the score card link that will be provided in the RRB Website shortly.
3. The shortlist is based on merit in CBT-II and extant reservation rules. Total number of candidates shortlisted for appearing in CBTST is eight times the Revised Vacancy notified on the official websites of RRBs on 12.01.2022 for the post of JUNIOR ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT CUM TYPIST, SENIOR CLERK CUM TYPIST & SENIOR TIME KEEPER (Level-5).
4. Shortlisted candidates for CBTST should exercise their option for Typing Language as either English/Hindi in the official website of respective RRBs. if the candidate has not chosen the language within the stipulated time, the Default Typing Language will be ENGLISH.
5. Shortlisted PwBD candidate who are permanently disabled due to Blindness/Low Vision, Cerebral Palsy & Loco Motor Disability with not less than 40% permanent disability are exempted from appearing CBTST. Such eligible PwBD candidates have to upload a scanned copy of Typing Skill Test Exemption Certificate (Annexure V(E) of CEN 01/2019) issued by the Competent Medical Board in the website of respective RRBs before conduct of CBTST.
6. The link for exercising typing language option and uploading the Typing Skill Test Exemption Certificate (for PwBD candidates) will be provided shortly in the website of respective RRBs.
7. The date for the CBTST will be announced at the earliest, subject to the prevailing conditions.
8. Shortlisted Candidates will be advised to download the Exam City intimation slip through the official website of RRBs/SMS/Email. The e-call letter will be available for download four days prior to the CBTST.
9. The candidature of all the shortlisted candidates for the CBTST is purely provisional and is liable to be cancelled, at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, in case of any inconsistency/deficiency in the data furnished by them in theironline application or any malpractice on the part of candidates coming to the notice of RRB at any stage of the recruitment process. It may be noted that merely calling a candidate for CBTST does not entitle him/her in any way to anappointment in the Railways.
10. While every care has been taken in preparing the list of candidates shortlisted for CBTST, RRB reserves the right to rectify any inadvertent error or typographical/printing mistakes. RRB regrets inability to entertain anycorrespondence from unsuccessful candidates.
11. Candidates are advised to regularly visit RRB’s official website for the updates.
12. Important: Beware of the touts who may misguide the candidates with false promises of getting them selected for the job on illegal consideration. The recruitment process in the RRB exams is fully computerised and the selection isbased purely on the merit of candidates.
NTPC CBT 2 Result Level 5 Roll Number Click Here
NTPC CBT 2 Result Level 2 Cutoff Click Here
NTPC CBT 2 Result Level 2 Cutoff Click Here
1. Based on the performance in the 2nd stage Computer Based Test (CBT-II) conducted on 11-08-2022 for the Level-5, candidates bearing the Roll Numbers listed herein under have been provisionally shortlisted for Appearing in the
Computer Based Typing Skill Test (CBTST). Roll Number of the provisionally qualified candidates for CBTST are arranged horizontally in ascending order from left to right and not in order of merit.
2. As the Computer Based Typing Skill Test (CBTST) is common for the posts of in pay levels 5 & 2, to ensure uniqueness of the candidates shortlisted in pay level 5, their Roll Numbers will not be repeated in the list of shortlisted candidates of pay level 2, even if they are eligible to be shortlisted in pay level 2. The Levels for which the candidates are shortlisted, can be seen in their score card. Hence, Candidates are advised to check the Levels (Level 5 and/or Level 2) for which they are shortlisted in the score card link that will be provided in the RRB Website shortly.
3. The shortlist is based on merit in CBT-II and extant reservation rules. Total number of candidates shortlisted for appearing in CBTST is eight times the Revised Vacancy notified on the official websites of RRBs on 12.01.2022 for the post of JUNIOR ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT CUM TYPIST, SENIOR CLERK CUM TYPIST & SENIOR TIME KEEPER (Level-5).
4. Shortlisted candidates for CBTST should exercise their option for Typing Language as either English/Hindi in the official website of respective RRBs. if the candidate has not chosen the language within the stipulated time, the Default Typing Language will be ENGLISH.
5. Shortlisted PwBD candidate who are permanently disabled due to Blindness/Low Vision, Cerebral Palsy & Loco Motor Disability with not less than 40% permanent disability are exempted from appearing CBTST. Such eligible PwBD candidates have to upload a scanned copy of Typing Skill Test Exemption Certificate (Annexure V(E) of CEN 01/2019) issued by the Competent Medical Board in the website of respective RRBs before conduct of CBTST.
6. The link for exercising typing language option and uploading the Typing Skill Test Exemption Certificate (for PwBD candidates) will be provided shortly in the website of respective RRBs.
7. The date for the CBTST will be announced at the earliest, subject to the prevailing conditions.
8. Shortlisted Candidates will be advised to download the Exam City intimation slip through the official website of RRBs/SMS/Email. The e-call letter will be available for download four days prior to the CBTST.
9. The candidature of all the shortlisted candidates for the CBTST is purely provisional and is liable to be cancelled, at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, in case of any inconsistency/deficiency in the data furnished by them in their
online application or any malpractice on the part of candidates coming to the notice of RRB at any stage of the recruitment process. It may be noted that merely calling a candidate for CBTST does not entitle him/her in any way to an
appointment in the Railways.
10. While every care has been taken in preparing the list of candidates shortlisted for CBTST, RRB reserves the right to rectify any inadvertent error or typographical/printing mistakes. RRB regrets inability to entertain any
correspondence from unsuccessful candidates.
11. Candidates are advised to regularly visit RRB’s official website for the updates.
12. Important: Beware of the touts who may misguide the candidates with false promises of getting them selected for the job on illegal consideration. The recruitment process in the RRB exams is fully computerised and the selection is
based purely on the merit of candidates.
NTPC CBT 2 Result Level 5 Roll Number Click Here

NTPC CBT 2 Result Level 2 Cutoff Click Here

NTPC CBT 2 Result Level 2 Cutoff Click Here

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