यदि आप सरकारी परीक्षा की तैयारी करते है, तो उसमें सफलता के लिए शब्दों पर विशेष पकड़ आवश्यक होती है। 'शब्दावली (Vocabulary)' प्रत्येक परीक्षा में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। कई बैंकिंग और सरकारी परीक्षाएं, जैसे कि IBPS PO, क्लर्क, IBPS RRB, SSC, CGL, CPO, CHSL, Stenographer, MTS, राज्य स्तरीय परीक्षा, अन्य परीक्षाएं आदि हैं और कई परीक्षा ऐसी है, जिसमें अभ्यर्थियों से निबंध लेखन और Synonyms तथा Antonym से संबंधित प्रश्न पूछे जाते है। इसको ध्यान में रखते हुए हम यहाँ आपको दैनिक आधार पर द हिंदू 'शब्दावली (Vocabulary)' में 10 नए शब्द तथा Synonyms और Antonym के साथ बता रहे है। प्रदान करते हैं जो आपको आगामी परीक्षाओं में लाभान्वित करेंगे।
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Editorial with Vocabulary, English Vocab |
Coronavirus | Opeds and editorials Signs of easing: On India’s COVID-19 fight
reporting over 97,650 novel coronavirus cases on September 11, the largest
number ever reported on a single day by any country till then (the U.S.
registered 99,780 cases on October 30), India has been witnessing a steady fall
in daily fresh cases reported since mid-September. Since October 25, there have
been fewer than 50,000 new cases every day, except on one. More importantly,
the reduction in daily cases has continued despite no appreciable
drop in overall testing numbers, a trend quite pronounced in States that bore
the brunt of the pandemic — Maharashtra, Andhra
Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. It is quite clear that the pandemic has peaked by
spreading through the major densely populated cities, leaving lakhs infected
and thousands dead, but there is a definite slowing down in these areas. Since August,
cases had already started to pile up beyond urban areas in rural districts. It
is unclear whether the drop in daily cases and deaths registered in the urban
areas is playing itself out similarly in rural areas as well, as unlike urban
areas, the protocols for testing, treatment, isolation are not as diligently followed because of gaps in the rural
health infrastructure across States. This is something State Health Departments
need to follow up on.
There is evidence from other disease surveillance in the past that States with better primary health and sentinel infrastructure across topographies, urban or rural, have recorded diseases better. For example, the reporting of HIV cases in Maharashtra and the southern States resulted in the recording of more cases while Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and a few other north Indian States reported fewer cases. The absence of evidence is, after all, not the evidence of absence and Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and others must not become complacent about the drop in cases, and must continue to increase their respective testing rates to keep pace with the rest of India. While peaking and a reduction in cases is a good sign that could ease the strain on the health infrastructure, the danger the virus poses is still real. The dip in cases may turn out to be just a statistical blip, with a second surge and heightened spread waiting to happen in the winter, particularly as people partake in the festive season. States have started to ease restrictions on schooling, commercial activities and have even allowed theatres and malls to open to spur the consumption economy severely affected by the lockdowns. The easing was unavoidable as the economic strain was becoming as much of a problem for people as COVID-19 was to their health. Citizens must not get complacent about the drop in cases and should continue to observe norms of social distancing, mask wearing and hand hygiene till vaccines made available prove their efficacy.
Appreciable (Adjective)- इतना बड़ा कि सहज में ही दिखाई पड़े या महत्वपूर्ण लगे; पर्याप्त, अच्छा-ख़ासा, काफ़ी
large enough to be noticed or thought
Synonyms -apprehensible,
detectable, discernible (also discernable), distinguishable, palpable,
perceptible, sensible
Antonyms -impalpable,
imperceptible, inappreciable, indistinguishable, insensible, undetectable
Brunt (Noun)- आघात
the worst part or chief impact of a specified
action. "education will bear the brunt of the cuts"
Synonyms - body, bulk, chief, core, generality, heft [archaic], main, mass, staple,
Antonyms - accessory (also accessary), adjunct, appendage, extension, offshoot
component, constituent, element, ingredient
(Adverb)- लगन से
in a way that shows care and
conscientiousness in one's work or duties. "he spends his nights
diligently working on his dissertation"
Synonyms - actively, assiduously, busily, industriously, laboriously
Antonyms - lifelessly, sleepily
(Noun)- निगरानी
close observation, especially of a suspected
spy or criminal.
"he found himself put under surveillance
by British military intelligence"
Synonyms - care, charge, guidance, headship, oversight, regulation, stewardship,
superintendence, superintendency, supervision
Antonyms - indifference (antonym) Lack of concern, interest, or feeling; apathy.
Sentinel (Verb)- पहरेदार
station a soldier or guard by (a place) to
keep watch.
"a wide course had been roped off and
sentinelled with police"
Synonyms - custodian, guard, guardian, keeper, lookout, minder, picket, sentry,
warden, warder, watch, watcher, watchman
Antonyms - traitor, decoy
(Adjective)- आत्मसंतुष्ट
showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with
oneself or one's achievements.
"you can't afford to be complacent about
Synonyms - apathetic, casual, disinterested, incurious, indifferent, insensible,
Antonyms - concerned, interested
Blip (Verb)- रडार लक्ष्य
make a very short high-pitched sound or
succession of sounds.
"big boxes of esoteric electronics
hummed and blipped"
Synonyms - bleep, clip, cut, excise, remove
blot out, efface, eradicate, erase
Antonyms - stet
Spur (Verb)- अधिक मेहनत या तेज़ी से काम करने के लिए (किसी को) प्रेरित या बाध्य करना
spur somebody/something (on/onto something)
to encourage somebody or make him/her work harder or faster
Synonyms - dig, goad, prod
Antonyms - counterincentive, disincentive
Efficacy (Noun)- किसी औषधि या चिकित्सीय उपचार की प्रभावोत्पादकता
the ability of something like a drug or a
medical treatment to bring about the results that are wanted
Synonyms - edge, effectiveness, effectualness, efficaciousness, efficacity,
efficiency, productiveness
Antonyms - ineffectiveness, ineffectuality, ineffectualness, inefficiency
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