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Editorial with Vocabulary, English Vocab
Compound conundrum:
On interest waiver
The Centre’s scheme
to bear the difference between the compound interest and simple interest on
retail and MSME loans availed by borrowers whose aggregate
outstanding borrowings were less than ₹2 crore between March 1 and August 31, has come not a day
too soon. In spelling out the norms for lenders
to identify eligible beneficiaries and then ensure that the extra ‘interest on
interest’ be refunded by November 5, the government has clearly been spurred by
the Supreme Court’s admonition to expedite relief to small borrowers. With the top court
having pointedly referenced the approaching festival of lights when it said
“the common man’s Deepavali” was in the government’s hands, the Centre has
ended up setting a really tight deadline of less than two weeks for banks and
NBFCs to credit the differential amount to the borrowers’ accounts. The lenders
have their task cut out to make sure that they pick out all the eligible loans
— education, housing, consumer durables, automobiles, consumption, credit card
borrowings, as well as credit provided to MSMEs — and that the borrowings had
not turned into non-performing assets as on February 29. They will then have to
refund the difference between the compound interest charged for the six-month
period and the simple interest. In making all the specified borrowers eligible
for the ‘ex-gratia’, the government has sought to ensure equity between those
who may have availed of the repayment moratorium
and others who had opted to continue to service their borrowings.
The move, however,
has understandably evoked both relief and some disquiet.
Retail borrowers, especially those who continued to meet their EMI commitments
notwithstanding the disruptions caused by the pandemic and lockdowns, stand to
marginally benefit from the government’s payment and will be a relieved lot. On
the other hand, MSMEs may find the assistance far too small to make a material
difference, given the scale of economic hardship they have had to endure — from demand destruction, to material and
labour shortages and regulatory woes. Given that these businesses provide
substantial direct and indirect employment and also generate valuable tax
revenue, it would have made far greater economic sense for the government to
have categorised them separately. The additional fiscal impact should be seen
against the benefit that would accrue were even
a reasonable number of these enterprises to remain viable and resume their
contribution to the national economy. Also, the ₹2-crore limit for retail loans provides
succour to not just ‘vulnerable’ borrowers but
creates a moral hazard by benefiting the
well-heeled too. All eyes will now be on the Court when it resumes hearing the
matter next month.
Aggregate (Noun)- सामूहिक
a whole formed by
combining several separate elements. "the council was
an aggregate of three regional assemblies"
Synonyms- full, sum, sum total, summation, total,
totality, whole
Antonyms –net
Spell out -
To make clear and
asked him to spell out
his objectives.
Expedite (Verb)- प्रक्रिया
को तेज़ करना; शीघ्रता करना
to make something
happen more quickly
Synonyms- aid, dispatch, ease, encourage, facilitate
Antonyms - delay, encumber, fetter, hamper, hinder,
hobble, hold back, hold up, impede,
Moratorium (Noun)-किसी
गतिविधि पर अस्थायी प्रतिबंध (विशेषतः शासन की सहमति से)
a temporary stopping
of an activity, especially by official agreement
Synonyms- abeyance, cold storage, deep freeze,
doldrums, dormancy, holding pattern, latency,
Antonyms - recommencement, renewal, resumption,
Disquiet (Noun)- बेचैनी
a feeling of worry or
"public disquiet
about animal testing"
Synonyms- ferment, fermentation, restiveness,
restlessness, Sturm und Drang, turmoil,
Antonyms - calm, ease, peace, peacefulness, quiet,
tranquillity (or tranquility)
Endure (Noun)- सहना
suffer (something
painful or difficult) patiently.
"it seemed
impossible that anyone could endure such pain"
Synonyms- abide, absorb, accept, bear, bide
Antonyms - decline, dismiss, refuse, reject,
repudiate, spurn, turn down
Accrue (Verb)- उपाजित होना
be received by
someone in regular or increasing amounts over time.
benefits will accrue from restructuring"
Synonyms- accumulate, amass, collect
Antonyms - abate, decline (in), diminish (in), dip,
dwindle, fall (in), lessen, taper, taper off
decrease (in), lose
Vulnerable’ (Adjective)- चपेट में
exposed to the
possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.
"we were in a
vulnerable position"
Synonyms- endangered, exposed, liable, open,
sensitive, subject (to), susceptible
Antonyms - covered, guarded, protected, safeguarded,
screened, secured, sheltered, shielded, warded
Hazard (Noun)- जोखिम
a danger or risk.
"the hazards of
Synonyms- danger, imminence, menace, peril, pitfall,
risk, threat, trouble
Antonyms - guard, protection, safeguard, shield, ward
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